The People's Choice - Vote now!

Thank you for your interest in The People's Choice Awards. Voting has now closed. 

Winners will be announced on this site on 16 September 2024. Hover over "Our Davids" in the top menu to find a list of this year's winners after that date.

Entrant: Dani Ferrier Coaching

City: Nelson


About My Business

What my business does? I help business owners and managers reach their vision and empower their team members to step into their potential. Business owners and leaders often know vaguely what their vision is but need a map to get there. I am a trusted guide who helps my leaders discover their strengths and build their self-awareness, and overcome any challenges they might face. The main things I do are: 1. Goal Setting: I help my clients clarify their goals, both personally and professionally. Looking at what success means to them and identifying the steps needed to achieve it. This also includes helping them identify what kind of culture they would like to create within their team by having strong mission, Vision and Values in place and a strategy for their teams development. 2. Self-Discovery: As a coach I ask powerful questions to help my clients understand themselves on a deeper level to remove the blocks and limits holding them back from being a better leader. My Meta Dynamics training (a researched based method based on psychology principles) means I can help my Leaders heal from childhood experiences, Build better beliefs about themselves and understand their thinking patterns to become a more confident leader. Some examples are: Imposter syndrome, Perfectionism, letting go of control and managing their stress response. I use assessments, reflective exercises, or deep conversations to uncover their values, strengths, and areas for growth. 3. Accountability: A big part of my role is holding my clients accountable for taking action towards their goals. I provide support and encouragement while ensuring they stay focused and committed to your objectives. I do this with a clear online platform where action steps are documented and I celebrate their wins with them. 4. Problem-Solving: Business and Leadership always has obstacles or challenges that come up, I assist them by brainstorming solutions and developing strategies to overcome them using a research-based framework. I challenge my clients to think in different ways and we come up with fresh perspectives and alternative approaches to help navigate difficult situations. 5. Skill Building: I teach essential Leadership skills such as communication, time management, decision-making, how to have a effective one to one conversation and how to run inspiring meetings. I provide guidance and resources to enhance their capabilities and effectiveness. I do this by teaching them frameworks and role playing to make sure the learning sticks! 6. Feedback and Reflection: I offer constructive feedback and facilitate reflections based on my experience and progress the lessons I have learned to become a leader myself. I help you learn from both successes and setbacks, empowering you to continuously improve and grow. 7. Support and Encouragement: Throughout your journey, I provide unwavering support and encouragement. I serve as a sounding board, cheerleader, and confidant, believing in their potential and helping them stay motivated even when the going gets tough. I work as a partner to Leaders who are committed to their own personal and professional development, empowering them to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals with greater clarity, confidence, and purpose. This ultimately leads to business success and fulfilment.

Why We Should Win The Peoples Choice Award

The world is changing and becoming more and more insular and individualistic. This means that support networks are breaking down and people don't necessarily have someone to lead them. We all have friends and people around us but meaningful conversations about our growth and development are not that common. We need someone who can see us in our vulnerability, hold the space for us to understand ourselves and then champion us to get to our next level. The heartfelt conversations that I have with my clients mean they get to focus on what matters and build their strength to lead their team. I give them feedback and graciously point out what I am noticing so that they can make improvements in their way of being and their thinking. This helps them connect even deeper with their team members and also gives them confidence to improve their goals. The impact that this has means my clients not only become better business owners but better community members, mothers, fathers and friends. One of my clients started a business during covid and got so busy she had to start hiring a team. No one in her network had ever started a business before and she was constantly doubted by her friends and family. Tall poppy syndrome is a big problem in NZ and it means that people are not wanting to stick their head up above the crowd and lead a team/business. My client found me on one of my webinars and learnt that I supported business owners. At the time she was stressed out managing 'team issues', caring for her family and dealing with the pressure of life. She was heading towards a burn out. Now 1.5 years later that same woman has been able to prove to her family that running a business is easy when you have a support network and that she feels confident leading the team. Her mindset has completely transformed to someone who is able to navigate the complexities of life and leadership and is not afraid to be a tall poppy. She is empowering her team to take risks and modeling to them how to be more confident too. I feel I deserve your vote to get my brand out there and let leaders know they do not have to do it all on their own. Leadership is a skill not a birthright and I can help more people become legendary leaders with my research-based approach that is getting amazing results! I am on a mission to connect people and change the narrative that we have to do it all on our own. Leadership is a marathon. Every athlete needs a coach! Please vote for Dani Ferrier Coaching.

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