The People's Choice - Vote now!

Votes: 63

Entrant: Epic Learning

City: Christchurch


About My Business

There is a problem in education. Not just at school but in lifelong learning. As a society, we have apparently decided that education should be hard work, as if learners need to earn their learning by first suffering the torture of education. Unfortunately, for many, this remains true when they join the workforce. At Epic Learning, we believe that this is wrong. Kids enjoy learning, and so do adults. Epic Learning is on a mission to address this need. Focusing on adult learning using modern technology to make learning accessible, engaging, and fun, Epic Learning helps clients provide effective, engaging, and digitised training for their staff or customers. Epic Learning lives on the cutting edge of technology and uses tried and proven learning principles. Epic Learning lives this mission by employing diverse people passionate about learning who work remotely around New Zealand. This remote work environment means that the team is living what they are building. Effective learning and effective work come from empowering people to make connections in an interesting, even compelling, way. It is no accident that virtually all of the Epic Learning team are gamers. Our team knows the power and satisfaction of becoming totally involved in the challenge, even grind, of a game to reach an objective. This is the sort of experience we create for our clients: compelling, interesting interactions that illuminate connections and build skills and knowledge in an engaging rather than torturous way. In a team meeting, you can see team members physically wince when confronted with poorly designed workplace learning. They animate as they discuss transforming this from a torturous chore to a glorious learning experience. This engaged team makes Epic Learning an effective David against the Goliaths in the New Zealand Learning and Development industry. Epic Learning punches well above its weight and delivers world-class training. As a company, we have served over 50 clients in the past eight years, ranging from Local and National government entities to sports and charitable organisations and small companies. We don't spend money on marketing, our business comes from returning clients and referrals. This is mostly due to our amazing team. Learning can be fun. Learning should be fun.

Why We Should Win The Peoples Choice Award

From the start, we decided that Epic Learning would consist of people passionate about learning. Not just passionate about providing learning experiences to others (which is important), but people who get excited about learning a new process, concept or cool piece of tech. The sort of people who, if you haven't seen them for a week and catch up with them for coffee, will tell you about a bunch of different stuff they have come across or tried. The Epic team consists of these people. We come from different backgrounds, age groups (21-64) and interests, but we all love to find new things and share them with others. This commitment to learning shapes our culture and helps us remove the barriers a remote team can face. This eagerness to learn and to improve, backed by a mutual respect for skills and experience, has fostered a strong, powerful culture. We feel comfortable socialising via the internet. In kick-off meetings, we discover and discuss the impact this work will have on the learner, why it is important, and what difference it can make. The team creates its own reasons to make the project a success and is given the ability to pursue them. The team splits up to work on various projects, each with a unique skill set. We know the individual skill sets of the rest of the team and who to contact if we hit a roadblock, often jumping on Zoom to get some ideas or input. We all feel empowered to interface with the client in pursuit of the ideal outcome. It really is a team effort. This strong bond is evidenced by the low staff turnover we enjoy and the number of internally referred team members. Because our team comprises people who love learning, we enjoy challenging ourselves and each other, like in VR (Virtual Reality). We have regular virtual meetings, which are a different experience than a Zoom meeting. Each of us has an avatar, which might sound less 'real' because we all look like cartoons, but the reality is that none of us can multitask or get distracted while we are in the virtual environment. The spatial 3D effect of sound makes it feel more real than a 2D conference call. The original idea was to become comfortable with the tech so we would be in a position to build more effectively on the platform should it become more mainstream. However, real innovation came in the way our team adopted the VR headsets to build our culture and connections. We play VR minigolf after work, and the team gets to hang out, have a drink, play golf while telling jokes, and generally connect. As well as ourselves, we often challenge our clients to try new ways of doing things.

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